Impressions from a new Mini Me Owner
Hello George, Well, I finally got the MM2 review completed. It's a bit delayed, a bit long, but at least I didn't forget.
After 3 trips and no real previous experience, my impressions might give you some ideas for subsequent changes or improvements...or not. This stuff is just one person's opinions, in no particular order, and just off the top of my head as I thought about it.
So, as Boz Scaggs said back in the 70s, here's The Lowdown. My over all opinion: I love MM2!! It's easy to operate in almost every way, especially for a beginner. It's very functional, but also pretty darn cute. Most everything held up without a hitch (Maxx fan not withstanding), and customer service is a dream. ;)One of my favs: The darn clothes tray! Best idea ever! That thing is so convenient, roomy, easy to operate, versatile, yada, yada...I love it! It held everything I needed for clothes for my trips, and I could also drop it down at night for additional privacy shield if needed. It also still allowed easy access to the little storage area above that comes with the RPC.
Night light: Such a nice cute little touch. It's not intrusive, gives the perfect amount of light, and I used it every night. How come I never heard of red light at night before?
Little fans: They worked great and a real plus! They are pretty quiet, and gave just the right amount of air movement to be comfy at night considering I did not have the Maxx fan (tho nights were cooler, so don't know how it would be with mega heat and humidity). The only downside with fans was they fell or got knocked off many times. Once just driving, but also taking things out of either the end-of-bed storage bin, or the induction storage. Several times I was crawling under MM to retrieve a fan cover that popped off when a fan hit the turf (and that's not a pretty sight, I might add). They are durable, though, because they never cracked or broke, lucky me! Maybe a stronger magnet is warranted, or less klutzy owner? Also, FYI, I could never get them to stick to the side door frame at night, not enough metal exposed for them to stay in place.
USBs: Very handy placement, used and appreciated every one.
Toilet: I ditched the Dometic right out of the gate. I never used it. It's too fussy for me. I bought a TripTips portable collapsible toilet on Amazon, essentially a plastic pail with a seat. It gets lined with eco-bags, you shake in some eco-gel powder, so there's no schnoz issues (lemongrass all the way, baybee) and drop the bag in regular trash next morning. Very easy and smaller, so room for other junk. You said HR was developing their own toilet, so I am very interested in what you come up with in the ole workshop ( You want a brand new Dometic potty with instructions for future customer or maybe the HR museum?).
Little Baskets: They worked very well! I filled them in the house as suggested, and they did the trick. Also, they maneuver easily in and out of their spaces. I ordered 2 more smaller ones on Amazon, for the extra space. I can't wait to see how they fit. I made a hook from a satin- slip intubating stylet, and that made pulling out the stuff way in the back under the bed lots easier.
Galley Sink: I don't care what anyone says to you to the contrary, the BIG SINK is a big YES! I wouldn't want anything smaller. It's a plus, plus, plus in my book. Great decision HR! I would like to know how to make the sprayer hose long enough to fit out the back for a quickie shower.
Cutting board: It's so pretty I couldn't bring myself to cut anything on it and mar it up. What can I say? Maybe next time.
Induction cooker: I didn't get a lot of cooking this time around, but the little time I used it, was successful. It is easy to operate, for sure. I did not have any prior experience with induction, and I'm definitely liking it. It worked out the side door on a small table. So far so good. I like that it goes in the little slot safely, yet there is room for the splatter guard as well.
Galley drawers/ Kitchen ease: The drawers are cute, and they are certainly needed. I wish they were bigger, though I understand why they have to be the size they are because of Command Central constraints. Many standard kitchen utensils for cooking just don't fit in the drawers, unfortunately. I am going to tweak my organization next time around. Most dishes, cups, etc., would not fit either. I also found I had to take stuff out in front sometimes, to get things that were in the back, because the drawers did not open quite far enough. It would be helpful if they could open fully. The result for me was the majority of my kitchen stuff was in the bins which is not always convenient. I felt like I was constantly digging for stuff. That included all dry staples, coffee maker, utensils, dishes, pot/pan, cleaners, paper towels, storage, etc., and I really was pretty conservative with what I brought. I put silverware, smaller utensils and cloth items in the drawers. I can't wait for the armoire you plan on adding. Even if it's small (but make it big as can be, puleeez) I believe it will make a huge difference in all things kitchen. BUT, overall, I would rate the kitchen experience as pretty good, a good solid B.
Acuva system: Nice! Great for the middle of the night drink of water, too.
Fridge: More than adequate for my needs. I used it for a nightstand as you suggested, as well. Could it be elevated, somehow, just enough so the junk drawer would clear? That would leave a space for a pair of shoes, too, though a courier bag hanging from the seat made a pretty good shoe bag, just not as convenient. When the fridge is in place correctly, the passenger seat has to be just so, and only a short passenger will fit comfortably. I was going to give my bro-in-law a ride to his car (he's tall), and he could not fit on the passenger side without moving the fridge back so the passenger seat could go back (both the position on the floor, and the angle of the seat back itself). That's perfectly fine, unless you have to open the junk drawer. I know this is not a 3rd world problem, and likely wouldn't happen too often, but it did come up.
Bed: It was quite comfortable. I was a bit worried about a futon, but I was fine, yay! BTW, I preferred my head by the driver's seat vs the other. I am a lefty and it was more convenient, plus the fridge makes a better nightstand than the sink, lol. I had a great idea for easy bedding, and if it works out, I will pass it on to you.
Ipad Rack: The metal part was stiff, but after I lubed it, it was fine. One of the black plastic caps on the hinged part fell off somewhere. It could be down one of those cracks by the van sidewall, who knows. I could not find it. The plastic part that holds the Ipad itself was a bit flimsy, I thought, and my Ipad kept falling out, especially when driving. I have a newer Ipad and its pretty thin, but I'm not sure that makes a difference. Ultimately it worked ok, but I felt like I was constantly futzing with it every night. It is very handy, though, and perfectly placed for me.
The Lighted Mirror: OK, that thing turned out to be quite useful, a lot more so than I imagined it would. It is nice. I would hate to see it go, but is it going to decrease the kitchen storage that's possible because of its placement? Could it go anywhere else, if that's the case? Could it pull down from above somehow?
Storage Bin/ Footboard: Love/hate relationship with that thing! Mostly I love it. It's very necessary, and I definitely appreciate the storage, would not want to lose it. I use it with the little shelf up and have the awning, my chair, the water hose and filter, and a very tiny whisk broom inside with a few small items if there is room. The chair and awning go in easily vertically and are longer items, about the same size.. The hose/filter is a bit bulky and takes up a good amount of space even rolled tightly. The hate part (well, maybe that's a bit too strong) comes in when it's time to take stuff out. Items get stuck, and I end up pulling it all out and starting over, or knocking a fan off it's perch. Arrgh!! I am going to try to organize it all differently next time. I just know I don't want those items under the bed. Not sure if there is a way to reconfigure the bin, or possibly have it tip out in front, just to load or unload?
Junk Drawer: OMG, it's the best! It is in a tight race for fav with the clothes tray. It opens all the way, it is accessible from the inside or the outside, it holds TONS of stuff, is great at night for things you might need but don't want to dig for in bins, It is the savior for all things too big for the cute galley drawers. It is the repository for everything I don't know where to put. What else is there to say? I wish there were 10 more, lol. Is it possible to be in love with a junk drawer???
Other Stuff: I hate to say it, because I know they are necessary, but the Smart plug, surg protector, and all the tire changing stuff are all a PITA. They take up way too much valuable space as items that may not be used much. Okay, okay, I am just venting because I know about the time you don't have them is when you need them, I get it. I moved that stuff around quite a bit trying to find the right spot, and free up space for more important JUNK! I ended up leaving it all under the seats.
When driving at around 65-70, there is sometimes a flapping of something on the roof. It seems like it is in the area above the galley, and it is similar but not exactly the same as the wind deflector that we heard flapping in front when going 45. I have gotten up there more than once to investigate, but everything seems solid and secure. I know it is on the outside, happens randomly, but only happens when on the interstate at those higher speeds, but not every time. Could it be those black cords or cables that connect to the solar? I just can't figure it out, but so far it doesn't seem like anything is out of place. It might depend on how windy it is, as well.
Moon Shade Awning: Easy, easy, easy! So simple to put together, and convenient, though I did end up with a big pole that I have no idea what it is for. The roof top hook up is a breeze, as well, so hat's off to you for that invention.
Some things I learned: Did you ever see the movie Poltergeist in the 80s? Remember the scene where the mom leaves the neat-as-a-pin kitchen with everything in it's place, only to return a few minutes later to find a total disarray with chairs piled up, cupboard doors and drawers all asunder and everything out of place? Well, that is what happened the first time I made a stop on my original trip. I turned around and laughed out loud. It looked like Poltergeist! MM2 was a mess, and I never noticed. All the bins had slid out the paper towels were all over, the I pad fell out, the mirror was out of place, even one of the drawers came open. Oops. I learned to batten down the hatches. Now everything is in a bin and I have bungy cords holding it all in place. It's not as pretty, but it works. Then where do they go after arrival...why the marvelous junk drawer, of course!
It doesn't bother me that I can't stand up in MM. So many people said I would hate that, but it has not been an issue thus far. I don't know if that would change on a rainy day if stuck inside for any length of time. I have had only good weather so far.
Other things that make the MM2 vundabar.... warm water, coziness, easy water filling system, great power, that never seems to run out, the back doors open even with my bike rack in place.
Most things I had issue with were really related to the RPC vehicle itself, not the build. They are: -gas access door isn't locked-Dash lights are not adjustable, so sometimes in bright sunlight the screen gets washed out and you can't see the picture for the back-up camera very well, if at all. The Ram dealer here said it has been a frequent complaint. I'm pondering getting the glass in the back doors to help with this issue.-If you go over the speed limit on the freeway, an alarm sounds that scared the #$%^& out of me the first time, lol. -must unlock the sliders from the inside with the key fob or you set off the car alarm. I found that out the hard way, as well. It's easy to forget and repeat the embarrassment.-adjusting the seat backs with the dial is a PITA and slow. I'm spoiled by my all power car. These things are annoying at times, but certainly not deal breakers.Things I would consider adding:-Kitchen armoire or storage above galley with paper towel rack (would vertically work?) It would really help.-heater, so I could use MM2 longer in fall.-privacy shades for cab windows-screens for bugs (buzzing around your head at night is annoying).-slot on the wall for reading material while in bed or just sitting (saves more digging).-way to keep under-bed storage bins and toilet from "poltergeisting", yet still enable them to slide in and out with ease.-small wine rack somewhere for one or two bottles..-maybe some kind of retractable little step for shorties with bad knees. (a few of my lookie-loos had trouble getting out) I have my own system.
My overall impression... MM2 is a winner!! I like the RPC, as it is easy to drive, zippy enough for me, fits easily into my garage, and has gotten much better with the gas mileage at 22-23 mpg my last trip (fun info- I was told mileage is always worse driving east to west due to the winds, but I don' t know if that's a fact). MM2 met all my expectations thus far and has been lots of fun using her and showing her off to all my jealous peeps. I am looking forward to my next adventure, for sure. You and your HR crew did such an excellent job developing this van, and you should be really proud of yourselves and your accomplishment! I am not an experienced RV person, but I am still very impressed with it all, and recognize how much work went into bringing it to fruition. Well done, HR! Congrats to your son, and the proud parents on his recent marriage, and I hope you are enjoying your vacation. I waited a little longer to send this because I knew you were off till middle of November.Melissa in MN